'The Other Way of Seeing': C. RAJAGOPAL

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Chanravarthy RAJAGOPAL FIP

Chanravarthy RAJAGOPAL, Hon. PSA, FPSA, PPSA Bangalore, India



"For extraordinary leadership in advancing the art and science of photography, through his work as an internationally acclaimed pictorialist, as a scientist, as an administrator and as a prolific writer, lecturer, for inspiring countless other photographers and for promotion and services to the society." —Excerpt from the citation awarded to C. Rajagopal from the Photographic Society of America.
Copied from: History of FIP, Federation of Indian Photography


photograph in the exhibition:

photographer: C. RAJAGOPAL, title: 'Sentinel of the Storm'
photographer: C. RAJAGOPAL, title: 'Sentinel of the Storm'  OWS046

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