'The Other Way of Seeing': Amitha PRASHER

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New Delhi

An Economy of Signs

This book and exhibition project was initiated as a collaboration with the Photographers' Gallery, London. I wanted to demonstrate that if we commissioned Indian photographers to the same amount as we do Western ones they would give us work to an international standard. — Sunil Gupta

Front cover of Sunil Gupta, An Economy of Signs: Contemporary Indian Photographs, exhibition catalogue, The Photographers’ Gallery, London 1990, featuring Ram Rahman, Delhi 1989


Publication date: 1990
ISBN-10 : 1854890336
ISBN-13 : 978-1854890337
Format: Hardcover I 128 pages
Published by: Rivers Oram Press, London
Design: Lesley Stewart
Co-ordinated in India by Radhika Singh/Fotomedia
Funded by Arts Council England
Cover photo: Ram Rahman

Amita Prashar:
20 July - 31 August 1990
India has been interpreted for us over the years through Western eyes - from 19th century British colonial images to Cartier-Bresson's enduring photographs of the aftermath of Gandhi's assassination. An Economy of Signs gives us a different picture - a view from the interior.
The exhibition presents the work of eight young Indian photographers, of the generation born since Independence. Their work is evident of a new, independent and growing area of photographic activity which seeks to extend the restricted and conventional domain of advertising and editorial work for the media in the urban centres of Delhi and Bombay.
Each exhibitor has focused in depth on one aspect of contemporary India, looking beyond the facade at the immense diversity of its societies, its histories and cultures. The show's title, An Economy of Signs, is drawn from the author R.K. Narayan's tales of Malgudi, the mythical South indian town and a microcosm of Indian society: here the 'economy' is taken to be India, the 'signs' the photographic traces which portray, and aim towards a partial reading of, its complexities and contradictions.


World Health Jun - Jul - Aug 2990

photographs in the exhibition:

photographer: Amitha PRASHER, title:  Rajasthan, 1992
photographer: Amita PRASHER, Rajastan 1992  OWS961

photographer: Amitha PRASHER, title:  Rajasthan, 1991
photographer: Amitha PRASHER, title: Rajasthan, 1991  OWS062

photographer: Amitha PRASHER, title:  Rajasthan, 1991
photographer: Amitha PRASHER, title: Rajasthan, 1991  OWS063

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