'The Other Way of Seeing': Raghav KANERIA

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photographs in the exhibition:

photographer: Raghav KANERIA, title: ‘veiled woman’
photographer: Raghav KANERIA, title: ‘veiled woman’  OWS120

photographer: Raghav KANERIA, title:  'Villagers may be poor but possess art and culture difficult to find in urban surroundings.'
photographer: Raghav KANERIA, title: 'Villagers may be poor but possess art and culture difficult to find in urban surroundings.'  OWS121

photographer: Raghav KANERIA, title: The influence of civilisation: ‘the Hunter’
photographer: Raghav KANERIA, title: The influence of civilisation: ‘the Hunter’  OWS122

photographer: Raghav KANERIA, title: ‘a friend at the door’
photographer: Raghav KANERIA, title: ‘a friend at the door’  OWS123

photographer: Raghav KANERIA, title:  ‘children with wallpaintings’
photographer: Raghav KANERIA, title: ‘children with wallpaintings’  OWS124

photographer: Raghav KANERIA, title: ‘the window’
photographer: Raghav KANERIA, title: ‘the window’  OWS125

photographer:   RAGHAV KANERIA, title: ''
photographer: RAGHAV KANERIA, title: ''  OWS126

photographer:   RAGHAV KANERIA, title: ''
photographer: RAGHAV KANERIA, title: ''  OWS127

photographer:   RAGHAV KANERIA, title: ''
photographer: RAGHAV KANERIA, title: ''  OWS129

photographer:   RAGHAV KANERIA, title: ''
photographer: RAGHAV KANERIA, title: ''  OWS130

photographer:   RAGHAV KANERIA, title:  ‘the wondering boy’
photographer: RAGHAV KANERIA, title: ‘the wondering boy’  OWS131

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