'The Other Way of Seeing': Pranlal K. PATEL

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Pranlal K. PATEL




photographs in the exhibition:

photographer: Pranlal K. PATEL, title: 'Tipani dance of tribals'
photographer: Pranlal K. PATEL, title: 'Tipani dance of tribals'  OWS299

photographer: Pranlal PATEL, title: ‘We two, you two’
photographer: Pranlal PATEL, title: ‘We two, you two’  OWS300

photographer: Pranlal PATEL, title: ‘Absent Guardians’
photographer: Pranlal PATEL, title: ‘Absent Guardians’  OWS301

photographer: Pranlal PATEL, title: 'camel fair Pushkar'
photographer: Pranlal PATEL, title: 'camel fair Pushkar'  OWS302

photographer: Pranlal PATEL. title: ‘Time for a tune’
photographer: Pranlal PATEL. title: ‘Time for a tune’  OWS303

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