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"Though his forte remains news photography, Mukesh has over the years made a name also for his human-interest photographs. These photographs bring out the multifaceted mores of the city and its inhabitants along with their angularities and idiosyncrasies. The mundane and the special, the common and the uncommon combine in these frames to leave an indelible impression. For Mukesh, these photographs present a variation from his regular news photography, and add a new dimension to the routine news assignments. And though both these forms, news and human interest, have now become almost like second nature to him, He clearly enjoys doing news photography. For him, what matters is not the prizes but the admiration of readers. News photographs show the drama and details of the event with precision and hide the constant battle with the deadline. Not for nothing is Mukesh PARPIANI better known as the trouble-shooter of The Daily".
photographs in the exhibition:
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