'The Other Way of Seeing': Mitter BEDI

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photographs in the exhibition:

photographer:  Mitter BEDI, title: 'Krishnamurti' I
photographer: Mitter BEDI, title: 'Krishnamurti' I  OWS180

photographer:  Mitter BEDI, title: 'Krishnamurti' II
photographer: Mitter BEDI, title: 'Krishnamurti' II  OWS181

photographer:  Mitter BEDI, title: 'Krishnamurti' III
photographer: Mitter BEDI, title: 'Krishnamurti' III  OWS182

photographer:  Mitter BEDI, title: 'Krishnamurti' IV
photographer: Mitter BEDI, title: 'Krishnamurti' IV  OWS183

photographer:  Mitter BEDI, title: ‘Fertilising warehouse with coolies’
photographer: Mitter BEDI, title: ‘Fertilising warehouse with coolies’  OWS184

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