'The Other Way of Seeing': Jagdish AGARWAL

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“Every incident leaves you with bitter-sweet experiences, which act as dots that connect your whole life.” —Jagdish Agarwal




Honorable President of the Photographic Society of India 2004 - 2005
founder - owner DINODIA - Stock Photo Agency



"His work is deeply rooted in the traditional art of black and white photography, but his eye, while being classical and practised, is always looking for stories. He recalls, “I was lucky to be a part of that era. Stalwarts like Arya Acharya, R R Bharadwaj, B W Jatkar, Mitter Bedi, Fanibunda and Oonwala guided us. They instilled a strong sense of individuality in each one of us.”
www.betterphotography.in (01-09-2021)

"Hailed as the father of stock photography in India, Jagdish Agarwal is a visionary that has made a mark in the world of photography. In the five decades that he has been taking photographs, Jagdish has nurtured the art to make it more sublime, poetic and even alluring. For him photography has no boundaries and he doesn’t believe in typecasting his work to a specific theme or genre. He is the founder of the Dinodia Photography Library, the first professional picture agency in India. Jagdish has won over 50 international photography awards and his photographs have graced the covers of national and international magazines. Join Siddhi Gandhi as she chats with Jagdish Agarwal about his coffee table book “100 Photographs: A Retrospective of 50 Years of Photography” (published by StoneMill), taking the self-publishing route, combining it with an exhibition and creating legacies."

Zen and the Art of Seeing, self-published photobook by Jagdish Agarwal
Zen and the Art of Seeing,
self-published photobook by Jagdish Agarwal

For your copy contact Jagdish Agarwal on 022 22044016.





photographs in the exhibition:

photographer: Jagdish  AGARWAL, title: 'Banaras’
photographer: Jagdish AGARWAL, title: 'Banaras’  OWS304
photographer: Jagdish  AGARWAL, title: 'my kitchen'
photographer: Jagdish AGARWAL, title: 'my kitchen'  OWS305

photographer: Jagdish  AGARWAL, title: 'Bombay traffic'
photographer: Jagdish AGARWAL, title: 'Bombay traffic'  OWS306

photographer: Jagdish  AGARWAL, title: 'Frozen river Himalayas'
photographer: Jagdish AGARWAL, title: 'Frozen river Himalayas'  OWS307

photographer: Jagdish  AGARWAL, title: 'Maharaleshwar'
photographer: Jagdish AGARWAL, title: 'Maharaleshwar'  OWS308

photographer: Jagdish  AGARWAL, title: my sister
photographer: Jagdish AGARWAL, title: my sister  OWS309

photographer: Jagdish  AGARWAL, title: 'Jaisalmer, entrance to ford'
photographer: Jagdish AGARWAL, title: 'Jaisalmer, entrance to ford'  OWS310

photographer: Jagdish  AGARWAL, title: 'cobbler'
photographer: Jagdish AGARWAL, title: 'cobbler'  OWS311

photographer: Jagdish  AGARWAL, title: 'rural girl India'
photographer: Jagdish AGARWAL, title: 'rural girl India'  OWS313

photographer: Jagdish  AGARWAL, title: 'Jasalmer, pedestrian Plaza'
photographer: Jagdish AGARWAL, title: 'Jasalmer, pedestrian Plaza'  OWS314

photographer: Jagdish  AGARWAL, title: 'Ganga'
photographer: Jagdish AGARWAL, title: 'Ganga'  OWS315

photographer: Jagdish  AGARWAL title: 'Camel fair Pushkar'
photographer: Jagdish AGARWAL title: 'Camel fair Pushkar'  OWS316

photographer: Jagdish AGARWAL, title: ‘Varanasi Vishwanath Temple’
photographer: Jagdish AGARWAL, title: ‘Varanasi Vishwanath Temple’  OWS317

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